Friday, September 3, 2010

Applying for a New Job is Like Trying to Lose Weight?????

Alright so I know I didn’t write anything last week (my apologies) but maybe I can make up for it by posting 2 things this week?

During my last post I gave a pretty bad analogy regarding deadlines and the devil.  I have since come up with a new analogy...

Applying for a new job is like trying to lose weight.

My New Year Resolution for 2010 was to get healthier.  Not only was I going to start watching what I was eating but I also was going to start working out on a regular basis.  I’m not a very active person to begin with and I figured it wouldn’t hurt for me to lose a few pounds.  So I started out the year with a goal weight in mind and a brand new gym membership. 

treadmill cartoon Pictures, Images and Photos
I actually impressed myself and kept up with the gym until about mid-May (even with a broken finger during the month of March).  Once May rolled around however, I went on vacation for 2 weeks and if you ask anyone that works out on a regular basis - 2 weeks away from the gym makes it very tough to go back.  Next thing I knew I started coming up with excuse after excuse not to go.  I was working long hours at work so I was more tired than normal, I had dinner plans after work, etc. 

I am quite disappointed in myself for going back to my lazy ways because there definitely was a time, not too long ago, that I actually enjoyed going to the gym.  (I know, I sound nuts)  What is even more disappointing to me is that I have still yet to reach my goal weight.  I have maintained the “eat healthier” part of my resolution (for the most part) but the exercise is where I seem to struggle.  My trip to Chile has officially been re-booked, so it is time for me to get back into the habit of going to the gym so I can be bathing suit ready!

Another habit I have recently tried to get myself into (as you all know since this is what my blog is about) is looking for a new job.  At this point, I have sent out numerous resumes and receive at least 6 emails daily from various websites with new job postings.  Much like going to the gym, I am unfortunately not seeing the results I was hoping for.  I have only heard back from a few of the places I have applied to which can get aggravating rather quickly. 

I am starting to come up with the same excuses for job searching as I have used for the gym; ie: “I’m tired after a long day at work.”  The problem with job searching (and trying to lose weight) is that the only way to see the results you want is by doing the work.  Yes, I would like to lose a few more pounds but in order to do that, I need to go to the gym on a regular basis....again.  And yes, I would like to have a new job.  However, the only way to get a new job is to spend countless hours scouring the internet for job postings, writing cover letters and sending out my resume. 

Just like going to the gym, I look forward to job searching every now and then.  Sometimes I’ll see a posting and it seems like the perfect fit!I know the right job is out there for me somewhere, (as well as a pair of size 6 jeans I will fit into one day).  Who knows, maybe I’ll find them at the same time?  I should probably go to the gym now...and then send out some more resumes.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Be Creative....NOW!!!

I just recently subscribed to AdAge and I am loving my daily emails from them!  They are giving me my advertising “fix” until I can hopefully one day find a job in the advertising world.  

Recently I came across an article that made me smile.  It discussed the idea of being uptight in a creative atmosphere and how it just doesn’t work.  The author, Derek Walker, tells the story of his CEO screaming at his fellow employees for not playing billiards and drinking beer while at work.  (I wonder if they have any openings...)  Apparently Walker and his fellow teammates were having some creative difficulties and the more they tried to be creative, the more they failed miserably.  The CEO and creative director of this company started to see the problem grow, so they staged an insane outburst to try and get everyone to relax.  Guess worked!  

Although this scenario is not bound to happen all over the country, this article brings up a very good point - you can’t force creativity.  Sometimes it is better to just walk away from a problem and either come back to it at a later time or wait for the inspiration to come to you.  Obviously there are deadlines though in the working world, which is the problem Walker and his co-workers had encountered.  

Deadlines are the devil.  A creative deadline is like the devil’s little pitch fork.  

(Bad analogy I know.  Although, ironically enough I feel as though I’m on a deadline to post this since I never posted anything last week.)  Part of the problem is that we are always rushing to meet deadlines which rarely gives us the time to sit and think about what we are really doing.  Where I work, it is more about getting the product out quickly, than necessarily taking the appropriate amount of time to make sure we will stand out from our competition.  

I hope to one day work for a company that understands and appreciates the team I work on.  The billiards table and beers would just be an added bonus.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Quick Website Update...

Hi Everyone!  I just wanted to give a quick update regarding our company's website feedback.  I was very excited to come in yesterday morning to the following email regarding the website:

"It has really grown on me.  I check back on it regularly.  I'm proud of it.  Thanks very much...CG did say that the website is very well done."

This email was sent to my boss and me by one of the company Partners.  ("CG" is a Partner as well.)  As I'm sure you could tell from my last post, I was slightly frustrated at the amount of negative feedback we were receiving as opposed to the positive feedback I had originally anticipated.  I was very happy to receive this email not only because of the positive comments but also because of its source!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Now I know why they call it an "Email BLAST"!

Earlier this week our company sent out its first email blast ever!  I would like to say it went smoothly, but that would be a lie...

For over a year now the Director of Marketing and I have been working with a local design and marketing boutique firm to design a complete overhaul of our company website.  I remember looking at the website 4 years ago before my job interview and thinking, “Oh my!” (and not in a good way).  Needless to say, this project was long overdue and I was very excited to be a part of the process.

After putting in more hours than I thought were possible for one project, my boss and I were pleased with the outcome.  The site was posted on a trial run basis for about a month before the actual announcement was made.  This means that not everyone saw the new website when they visited our URL but more times than not, it was there. 

One of our Partners took this gracing period as an opportunity to inform everyone at the company that the new website was coming.  He asked everyone to take a look and give us any feedback they felt was necessary.   We had a couple of comments here and there but nothing major.  After a few weeks of the overall review and some minor adjustments we were ready to make the big launch!  The same company that helped design the announcement also created our email blast.  We provided them with an email list of all our clients as well as email addresses for all our employees.  The email was set to go out around 10 am on Tuesday morning.

About 9:33am my inbox went into overload.  For almost 30 minutes straight I received “Out of Office” replies.  My inbox was FULL!  Both my boss and I are unsure why our design firm decided to have the email blast come from my email account but by that point it was a little too late.  In addition to all of the “out of office” emails, I also received a variety of other responses ranging anywhere from a simple “Who are you?” (that was a good self esteem booster) to “Immediately remove me from your mailing list” - - “I did not ask for this information - - under the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 this is considered unsolicited e-mail.”  (He obviously missed the “unsubscribe” button at the bottom.)  Eventually I got a “Thank you” and then I received a “Thank you.  It’s a very nice website.  [And by the way, one of the projects you’re showcasing has all the wrong pictures posted with it.]”  Awesome.

Shortly after I was able to sort through all of these emails I realized that I never received the email myself.  I asked some of my co-workers if they had received it and they said no.  A short phone call to the company we worked with and a phone call to our IT department determined that our spam blocker blocked the entire email blast to everyone in our company.  Fantastic.

After many more phone calls back and forth with the IT department and the design folks, the emails were sent out again to all employees around 1:15pm.  I was out to lunch trying to relax after a morning of putting out small fires.  Little did I know what I was going to come back to.

To start out, as you all know from my last posting we just recently joined Twitter.  At the bottom of the email blast it tells people to follow us on Twitter.  Turns out, Twitter is blocked in our headquarters.  (My boss and I do not work in our headquarters therefore we did not realize this.  We assumed that if we had access in a branch office, they did in the headquarters as well.  We were wrong.) Next I had a handful of people who assumed the email came to them blank because they never clicked “show images” in their email.  (This of course makes me wonder how many of our clients had this same issue.)  And of course lets not forget the 20 or so emails I received regarding errors on our website (ie: there’s a job posting missing, you’re using the wrong photos for this project (yes, it was the same one our client pointed out to us), you need to change this photo (not the same one the client pointed out to us), you should add this project, and my favorite - we’re missing a partner on our leadership page).  

Even though things did not go as smoothly as I had anticipated, this was a good learning opportunity for me.  Since this was the first email blast I was part of, I now know what to expect in the future.  Besides having an inbox full of “out of office” replies, I can now expect people to not be as excited about our new announcement as we are (insert CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 guy.)  It was also a gentle(?) reminder that even though you may put your blood, sweat and tears into a project it does not mean it is perfect.  (Although that would be nice.)  The good news is we did get one “Your new website is Great!” which made me feel better.  Now onto the next project…

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Being Social

It’s finally happened!!!  After spending the last year trying to convince my boss that we should join Twitter we have finally entered the world of tweeting!! 

Social media has become such a large part of the marketing world offering a variety of avenues to make announcements.  A fitness website I often visit has about 20 different options under the “share this article” link.  I mean I obviously know the basics: Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Linkedin.  But what exactly are 2linkeme and Adifni?  I think at this point everyone is trying to be the next big thing in the social media world. 

At one point, Myspace was the #1 social networking site.  However, very quickly Facebook swooped in and after only 5 years went from having 1 million active users to 200 billion!!!!  Unbelievable. 

While I was working on my MBA I took an “IT for Management” class and we talked a lot about social networking.  The group I was working with decided to pick Facebook for our social network presentation.  During our research we learned that 8 million users become fans of pages daily.  If you have a product you want getting attention - Facebook is the way to do it.  A friend of mine just started her own business, on the side, selling handmade purses, wallets and aprons.  She created a fan page on August 2nd and today (August 12th) she already has 80 people that “Like” her page.  Talk about free marketing!

Linkedin is another great site.  I’ve been using it a lot personally to find out information about companies I’m looking at as potential employers.  According to an article from Sales & Marketing Business Brief 98% of companies use Twitter as the main focus of their social media initiatives, 96% of companies use Facebook as a secondary source, and 74% also use LinkedIn as part of their strategy.

I really believe that companies who haven’t jumped on the social media bandwagon yet are falling behind.  Granted this phase might not last forever but this is what is hot NOW.  And hey guess what - it is FREE!!!!  Yes, it costs the company money to have someone maintain their sites but it is still a fabulous way to get products, companies, anything noticed.

Has your company entered the social networking world yet?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Pitching "The Pitchman"

My book club is currently reading What The Dog Saw by Malcom Gladwell. I finished reading the chapter titled “The Pitchman” a couple of weeks ago but still haven’t been able to shake the idea of it from my head.

For those of you who have not read this book yet, this chapter is about Ron Popeil a man who has come up with some of the most effective infomercials. The difference between him and Billy Mays? He’s also the creator of the products he’s selling. Popeil would take an idea and run with it. He would make sure that his products were not only helpful but also convenient. He knew people preferred to know how things worked as opposed to just what it did so he made sure that he spent his time explaining everything when making a sale. He knew that people liked to learn knew things (knowledge = power) and people always want power.

In the book they use the example of a VCR and the blinking “12:00”. The idea of the VCR itself is not what frustrated most people – the frustration that came with the VCR was due to people having a hard time figuring out how to use it properly. As Gladwell says, if Popeil had been the person who had invented the VCR, and presented it like his other products,

The tape wouldn’t be inserted behind a hidden door – it would be out in plain sight…so that if it was recording, you could see the spools turn. The controls wouldn’t be discreet buttons; they would make a reassuring click as they were pushed up and down, and each step of the taping process would be identified with a big, obvious numeral so that you could set it and forget it. (Gladwell, What the Dog Saw, 24)

While selling his items Popeil would also get feedback from his customers. He would then be sure to focus on the features people seemed to prefer the most during his next sale. He always listened to the customers and what they wanted - a step that is sometimes too easily forgotten..

Ron Popeil was a great business man. He was an innovator, an inventor, and a wonderful salesman. He believed in what he was doing and never gave up.

‘Other people in our business take the spaghetti approach,’ says founder Ron Popeil, ‘they throw a lot of stuff against the wall and hope something sticks...I don't operate that way. If I believe in a product idea, I'll put my time, money, and marketing skills behind it. It might take two-and-a-half years of my life to create a product and sell. But, I enjoy every minute of it!’ (

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Spicing Things Up!

With all the Old Spice videos, wouldn’t you think that “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” promotion would have boosted sales?

Unfortunately for Proctor & Gamble this was not the case according to a recent article from

Though the tall, dark and handsome man is nice to look at, mixed messages might have been the issue with these ads.  Old Spice’s tagline was “Smell Like a Man, Man” however the ads themselves were consistently directed towards women.  If I have learned anything in the marketing world it is “always be consistent” and “know your market.”  Directing the ads towards women in the first place was a very interesting concept, however Old Spice did not follow through by having the tagline match this idea.  It is as though they wanted to make the product appeal to both men and women but never decided who the end consumer was.

Isaiah Mustafa, the face of Old Spice, has now become the topic of discussions among many.  He’s made appearances on a variety of shows such as Good Morning America, The Ellen DeGeneres Show and even The Oprah Winfrey Show.  Everyone now refers to him as “The Old Spice Guy” which seems to be just fine with him.

It is hard to develop brand recognition through a catchy advertisement.  For example, I could see the same commercial a dozen times and know exactly what happens in it.  However, unfortunately for a lot of companies, that doesn’t necessarily mean I know what product is being advertised.  Of course the ultimate goal when creating an advertisement is sales.  So not only does a company have to create a catchy advertisement and develop brand recognition from this advertisement, they also have to be able to create sales.  Proctor & Gamble made it 2/3 of the way but unfortunately for them, that was not enough.

Will the Old Spice Guy stay part of the Old Spice Team?  We’ll just have to wait and see.

Friday, July 16, 2010

The World is Shaking!!!

I woke up this morning to find out that another earthquake had occurred where I was for the fourth time this YEAR!!!  Now as you already know, I am originally from Pennsylvania and currently reside in the Baltimore/DC area - obviously I am not used to earthquakes effecting my every day life....EVER!  I’ve always read about them in the news but that is about as close as I have ever come to dealing with them personally.  Apparently mother nature decided that 2010 would be the year of earthquakes for me.

My first earthquake experience of 2010 was probably the one that shook me up the most (although not literally).  Back on February 26th, I was one of 26 students from the Loyola MBA program along with 2 professors, who flew from BWI airport to head to Chile for a 10 study abroad trip.  We had a small layover in Dallas but eventually we were in the air and on our way to Chile (5 days in Santiago and 3 days in ViƱa del Mar).  We had spent a whole semester learning everything there was to know about Chile - the history, culture, politics, weather, you name it!  We had site visits planned at various companies (ie: Johnson & Johnson, GM, Codelco, Undurraga, etc) throughout the 10 days.  As a group, we could not be any more excited to be going on this trip.  Mid-way through our flight (we were over Ecuador) we heard the pilot come on to talk to us.  He told us that there was a “substantial earthquake” and that we were being rerouted to Miami.  After spending 30+ hours in airports, on planes, in more airports and on more planes, we finally made it back to Baltimore without ever seeing Chile.

Now obviously this situation could have been a lot worse.  If we had landed 3 hours earlier or the earthquake had waited 3 more hours to occur it would have been a disaster.  We all just sat in the airports (in between our many flights home) and watched the footage being shown on TV.  It was unbelievable.  As devastated as we all were to not be sitting in Chile, we were all very grateful for being home and safe.  We were all very lucky.

About a month later I went on a short vacation to Los Angeles, California with a friend.  I had joked with him about the possibility of there being an earthquake while we were there - he thought I was nuts.  Lo and behold, on our fourth day there Mexico gets hit with a 7.2 earthquake and we felt it while we were sitting outside for lunch in Laguna Beach.  This was the first time I had ever experienced an earthquake first hand.  It was very strange and at first I honestly didn’t realize what was going on until I heard someone say “it’s an earthquake”.  For anyone that has never experienced an earthquake before - to me it felt like I was on a carnival ride.  It was a very weird sensation but kind of neat all at the same time (of course I was lucky and in an area where there was no damage so I was able to “enjoy” it as opposed to panic.)  Can one really “enjoy” an earthquake?

Less than a month ago I felt another earthquake...while at Maryland.  (This was a result of the 5.0 earthquake that hit Canada - yes we felt it down here.)   I was sitting at my desk and all of a sudden I felt my chair move.  The funny thing is I didn’t really think too much of it because I tend to move around a lot during the day and my chair is on wheels.  Then all of a sudden my desk started to shake and I paused.  Eventually everything stopped shaking and very confused I turn to my boss and say “was that an earthquake?”  Again, keep in mind that this is Maryland we’re talking about! Earthquakes do not occur here!  Or so I thought.

This morning at 5:04 am a 3.6 magnitude earthquake hit Rockville, MD.  Apparently my neighbors felt it - I personally slept through it.  Either way, I am in shock at how many earthquakes have been occurring around me this year.  Apparently my friends all find this amusing too since I have been mentioned in many Facebook status updates today.  Apparently I now go hand-in-hand with earthquakes.  

I personally hope that I don’t have to deal with any more earthquakes this year - or if I do, I keep getting as lucky as I have been.  It is very strange though to have gone so long in my life without ever experiencing once and then all of a sudden, 4 within 6 months.  That always seems to be the way though, right?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Let's Start at the Beginning...

I am a very lucky person. I have a great family that I am very close to, I have some of the best friends a person could ask for and I just recently celebrated the success of finishing my MBA at a top ranked school. Life should be great, right? Unfortunately for me, and my energizer bunny ways, I need more. After spending the last 3 years in grad school part time while also working full time, I am finally able to sit back and relax - but that is not my style. I’m ready for my next adventure. I’m ready for something new. Something different.

Almost immediately after graduating from college I moved to the Baltimore/DC area. I didn’t know anyone. In college my friends used to always make fun of me for the fact that they couldn’t walk anywhere on campus, with me by their side, without me running into someone I knew. I’m a social person. I always have been. I like being surrounded by people and always having someone to stay up late watching a movie with me or even someone to just go grab lunch with. I moved to Maryland and went into shock. I thought making new friends would be easy. It always has been in the past, why would it be any different now? Making friends is hard in the “real world” and working in an office with 10 people, 8 of whom are married and have children, does not make it any easier.

After spending four years making a life for myself in this area why would I want to start over again? Am I nuts? Probably. Am I nervous? Most definitely. Am I excited? You betcha! I am almost always a nervous wreck just before a big decision I have made officially goes into effect (ie: going away to college, studying abroad for a semester, moving away from my friends and family in PA, starting grad school, etc) but having lived through all of these experiences I know that I always end up usually better for it in the end.

I am a different person than I was four years ago, moving away from the home I have always known. Though no one would ever use the word “shy” to describe me, I am going to say that the 2006, new to Maryland,version of myself was shy. I barely knew anyone and I had a hard time adjusting at first. Now however, the thought of moving and getting out and meeting new people all over again excites me to no end!

I have picked up a couple of hobbies here that are unfortunately/fortunately limiting my search in potential new cities. Being from the Philadelphia area my whole life I can’t imagine living anywhere that doesn’t have four seasons. I love being able to cuddle up in a big sweater in the winter just as much as I love being able to wear a sundress in the summer. There are obviously some things I hate about winter and summer but there is nothing I could ever hate about spring and fall (except for maybe the rain). I’m pretty sure I could write an entire blog about the four seasons...but who would read that?

I just recently picked up snowboarding this past winter so now I’m adding the “must have ski slopes near by” to my “must have” list. Throughout the past couple of years, I have become a BIG fan of social kickball leagues and when I think of a potential city to move to that is one of the first things I google in that city. (I have since learned they pretty much exist everywhere.) For those of you that don’t play - go find one and join now! It is SO much fun and I have met lots of amazing people in these leagues. Besides, who doesn’t want to play a sport made for kids in elementary school after a long day at the office?

But back to my “must have” list....I just recently have gotten into photography so of course I need to move somewhere that will help me look like I’m a real photographer (ie pretty scenery). Although, I’m pretty sure this could easily coincide with the four seasons so this shouldn’t be an issue (unlike the ski slopes). I also really enjoy reading and have formed a book club with a couple of my close girlfriends in the area. I would definitely need to reinvent the wheel on this one wherever I go.

As you can see, I unfortunately have a long road ahead of me before I figure out what is in store for me next...which is why I started this blog! The current plan is to check in AT LEAST once a week - maybe more depending on my “free time” and what’s going on in the world. For the most part, my postings will probably be pretty random but I will definitely keep you all informed of my progress along the way as well. Thanks for reading and here’s to new adventures....this is just the beginning! :)