Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Be Creative....NOW!!!

I just recently subscribed to AdAge and I am loving my daily emails from them!  They are giving me my advertising “fix” until I can hopefully one day find a job in the advertising world.  

Recently I came across an article that made me smile.  It discussed the idea of being uptight in a creative atmosphere and how it just doesn’t work.  The author, Derek Walker, tells the story of his CEO screaming at his fellow employees for not playing billiards and drinking beer while at work.  (I wonder if they have any openings...)  Apparently Walker and his fellow teammates were having some creative difficulties and the more they tried to be creative, the more they failed miserably.  The CEO and creative director of this company started to see the problem grow, so they staged an insane outburst to try and get everyone to relax.  Guess what...it worked!  

Although this scenario is not bound to happen all over the country, this article brings up a very good point - you can’t force creativity.  Sometimes it is better to just walk away from a problem and either come back to it at a later time or wait for the inspiration to come to you.  Obviously there are deadlines though in the working world, which is the problem Walker and his co-workers had encountered.  

Deadlines are the devil.  A creative deadline is like the devil’s little pitch fork.  

(Bad analogy I know.  Although, ironically enough I feel as though I’m on a deadline to post this since I never posted anything last week.)  Part of the problem is that we are always rushing to meet deadlines which rarely gives us the time to sit and think about what we are really doing.  Where I work, it is more about getting the product out quickly, than necessarily taking the appropriate amount of time to make sure we will stand out from our competition.  

I hope to one day work for a company that understands and appreciates the team I work on.  The billiards table and beers would just be an added bonus.

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