Alright so I know I didn’t write anything last week (my apologies) but maybe I can make up for it by posting 2 things this week?
During my last post I gave a pretty bad analogy regarding deadlines and the devil. I have since come up with a new analogy...
My New Year Resolution for 2010 was to get healthier. Not only was I going to start watching what I was eating but I also was going to start working out on a regular basis. I’m not a very active person to begin with and I figured it wouldn’t hurt for me to lose a few pounds. So I started out the year with a goal weight in mind and a brand new gym membership.
I actually impressed myself and kept up with the gym until about mid-May (even with a broken finger during the month of March). Once May rolled around however, I went on vacation for 2 weeks and if you ask anyone that works out on a regular basis - 2 weeks away from the gym makes it very tough to go back. Next thing I knew I started coming up with excuse after excuse not to go. I was working long hours at work so I was more tired than normal, I had dinner plans after work, etc.
I am quite disappointed in myself for going back to my lazy ways because there definitely was a time, not too long ago, that I actually enjoyed going to the gym. (I know, I sound nuts) What is even more disappointing to me is that I have still yet to reach my goal weight. I have maintained the “eat healthier” part of my resolution (for the most part) but the exercise is where I seem to struggle. My trip to Chile has officially been re-booked, so it is time for me to get back into the habit of going to the gym so I can be bathing suit ready!
Another habit I have recently tried to get myself into (as you all know since this is what my blog is about) is looking for a new job. At this point, I have sent out numerous resumes and receive at least 6 emails daily from various websites with new job postings. Much like going to the gym, I am unfortunately not seeing the results I was hoping for. I have only heard back from a few of the places I have applied to which can get aggravating rather quickly.
I am starting to come up with the same excuses for job searching as I have used for the gym; ie: “I’m tired after a long day at work.” The problem with job searching (and trying to lose weight) is that the only way to see the results you want is by doing the work. Yes, I would like to lose a few more pounds but in order to do that, I need to go to the gym on a regular basis....again. And yes, I would like to have a new job. However, the only way to get a new job is to spend countless hours scouring the internet for job postings, writing cover letters and sending out my resume.
Just like going to the gym, I look forward to job searching every now and then. Sometimes I’ll see a posting and it seems like the perfect fit!I know the right job is out there for me somewhere, (as well as a pair of size 6 jeans I will fit into one day). Who knows, maybe I’ll find them at the same time? I should probably go to the gym now...and then send out some more resumes.
During my last post I gave a pretty bad analogy regarding deadlines and the devil. I have since come up with a new analogy...
Applying for a new job is like trying to lose weight.
My New Year Resolution for 2010 was to get healthier. Not only was I going to start watching what I was eating but I also was going to start working out on a regular basis. I’m not a very active person to begin with and I figured it wouldn’t hurt for me to lose a few pounds. So I started out the year with a goal weight in mind and a brand new gym membership.
I actually impressed myself and kept up with the gym until about mid-May (even with a broken finger during the month of March). Once May rolled around however, I went on vacation for 2 weeks and if you ask anyone that works out on a regular basis - 2 weeks away from the gym makes it very tough to go back. Next thing I knew I started coming up with excuse after excuse not to go. I was working long hours at work so I was more tired than normal, I had dinner plans after work, etc.
I am quite disappointed in myself for going back to my lazy ways because there definitely was a time, not too long ago, that I actually enjoyed going to the gym. (I know, I sound nuts) What is even more disappointing to me is that I have still yet to reach my goal weight. I have maintained the “eat healthier” part of my resolution (for the most part) but the exercise is where I seem to struggle. My trip to Chile has officially been re-booked, so it is time for me to get back into the habit of going to the gym so I can be bathing suit ready!
Another habit I have recently tried to get myself into (as you all know since this is what my blog is about) is looking for a new job. At this point, I have sent out numerous resumes and receive at least 6 emails daily from various websites with new job postings. Much like going to the gym, I am unfortunately not seeing the results I was hoping for. I have only heard back from a few of the places I have applied to which can get aggravating rather quickly.
I am starting to come up with the same excuses for job searching as I have used for the gym; ie: “I’m tired after a long day at work.” The problem with job searching (and trying to lose weight) is that the only way to see the results you want is by doing the work. Yes, I would like to lose a few more pounds but in order to do that, I need to go to the gym on a regular basis....again. And yes, I would like to have a new job. However, the only way to get a new job is to spend countless hours scouring the internet for job postings, writing cover letters and sending out my resume.
Just like going to the gym, I look forward to job searching every now and then. Sometimes I’ll see a posting and it seems like the perfect fit!I know the right job is out there for me somewhere, (as well as a pair of size 6 jeans I will fit into one day). Who knows, maybe I’ll find them at the same time? I should probably go to the gym now...and then send out some more resumes.
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